It is an honour to have been nominated to be #keynote speaker at the Illinois Wesleyan university @IL_Wesleyan this April. Theme: #Changing#Climates.

About 9 screenings of the new version of Normal is Over The Movie have been planned in the US so far. Including a screening at the “Normal” Theatre:).  Now 2 more screenings in NY, one on Long Island being held right now on #EarthDay (see pic), and one in NYC with #Extinction Rebellion this April 28. Generous people have been working to make that happen.

Feel free to organise more #screenings of the new updated version of Normal Is Over 1.1. We can accept invitations in other parts of the world as well

I also have more then 20 screenings and speaking events of Normal is Over The Movie  coming up this year in Europe this year: Frankfurt, London, maybe Oxford, Cyprus, and of course in The Netherlands, the country of my birth.

I will announce these in more detail next time as there are still some moving pieces.

I will not only talk about climate change and renewable energy as a solution, as climate change is a symptom of a deeper problem. Just like species extinction and plastic pollution are symptoms of our consumer society where we think we can meet all our needs with money, and think we can have economic growth forever on a finite planet. Our ecological crisis is inextricably bound to an old story on economics, and our culture is based on it. We need a new narrative and that is what the film is all about.

In the documentary Normal Is Over 1.1, I explore the “Big Picture” of sustainability, encompassing environmental issues – global warming & hazardous waste, economics, the global food industry and more!

We are working on the adjustment of all 9 translations (and can use some help:). The new version of Normal Is Over 1.1 is available for streaming in English, in Dutch, and next week also in German from my website here:

Ideally I’d like to share the film with the world for free, welcoming viewers to give a donation that feels appropriate to them, as we have no time to lose. We are looking for a committed team that can help with an outreach campaign to create awareness. You can contact us at info(at), or at Info (at) The word needs to get out there with a ‘bang’. Once the film is flying, with your (tax-deductible) support, I can continue working on the next documentary via our foundation:

Tip: Screen the new version of Normal is Over1.1 everywhere; for your friends, partners, and community, and start the conversation to seek macro and micro solutions.

Awareness creates change. We need action now.